ADS advices

Companies Limited by Guarantee (CLG) — Companies with Limited Liability by Guarantee in Ireland

Key Characteristics:


1. Limited Liability by GuaranteeCompanies Limited by Guarantee (CLG) are companies where members do not own shares but agree to contribute a specified amount (guarantee) in the event of the company’s liquidation. The guarantee amount is outlined in the company’s governing documents and is typically small. This structure is most often used by organizations that do not seek to make a profit.

Designated Activity Company (DAC) — A Company with Designated Activity in Ireland

Key Characteristics:


1. Designated Activity: A Designated Activity Company (DAC) is a company that must strictly engage in the activities specified in its Constitution. This distinguishes it from other types of companies, such as LTD, where the scope of activities can be more flexible. A DAC is obligated to perform only the activities listed in its governing documents and cannot operate outside those parameters.

Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD Company) — Private Limited Liability Company in Ireland

Key Characteristics:


1. Limited Liability: In a Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD), shareholders are only liable for the amount they have invested in the company’s shares. This means that personal assets of the shareholders are protected, and they cannot lose more than their investment, even if the company faces financial difficulties.

Partnership in Ireland

Key Characteristics:


1. Multiple Owners: A partnership in Ireland is a business structure where two or more individuals jointly manage the business and share profits. They also share responsibility for the management and obligations of the business.



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