We provide a wide range of
accounting services in Ireland
. For individuals and businessesWe also specialize in
International Business
International business refers to any business that operates across international borders. At its most basic, it includes the sale of goods and services between countries. Yet, other forms of international business do exist.
Airline Leasing
Ireland holds the number one position in aircraft leasing. The Irish aircraft leasing industry supports 5,000 jobs and contributes over €550m annually to the local economy.
Secretarial Services
ADS Consultancy Max work to become part of the advisory team for the entrepreneurs and their new ventures. Working together from the beginning can help solve problems, create traction, save money by avoiding mistakes, and make many of the early decisions that are critical to success.
Audit Services
The audit should provide shareholders and directors with peace of mind along with ensuring that they are compliant with all recent Company Acts and other legislation.